Sunday, September 16, 2007

#1 (summary)

“Social Aspects of the Banana Industry" (Kepner, 1967)

According to introductory of the book, “Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (1967), Kepner indicated the purpose of the study in this book was triggered from being impressed by the UFC(United Fruit Company)’s size and the size of its profits. According to this book, within around three hundred years, it has acquired control over many activities in the Caribbean and accumulated much wealth for its stockholders. In the book, he described the UFC as “a highly organized industry, largely monopolistic, and operating lands.” (Kepner, 1967, P. 25) He stated that he would argue about important issue of the impact of the company’s attitudes and acts on “the national policies and legislation of the banana producing countries.” (Kepner, 1967, P.26)

According to the book, , “Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (1967), Kepner demonstrated that there were two main factors contributing to the UFC’s present size and power in a generation. The one is geological condition in the Caribbean. The land had great fertility, “nourished by abundant rainfall, enriched and drained by natural rivers” (Kepner, 1967, P. 28) He claimed importantly that the other is the political and economic conditions in it. He found at that time Central America was so weak and lack of unity of it. He demonstrated that these weakness resulted in “the availability and cheapness” of the lands. (Kepner, 1967, P. 37) On the other hand, at that time, North America was rich and powerful enough to take it. North America had huge capital and the initiative on it.


tb2l said...

nice summary , interesting topic.

Grace Guan said...

that is a really interesting topic, i never hear it before. it also a good business topic. good job.

tb2l said...

hello Jung , this is Mr Bin ( not Bean) , i'm really grateful for your suggestion , thank you very much , everything here is totally new to me , but now fortunately , i have a topic research. I research about "how much does tuition of international students contribute to the economy of one country ? " .It's quite broad , but i'll try . Anyway , thank you again , i do appreciate your help.your topic is really interesting :) and i'll "bother" you if i don't know something hehe
Have a nice day and see you
Good luck

tb2l said...

hello ,this is Mr bin, how r u ? , i heard u r sick , hope u will be fine soon , see u 2morrow