Monday, September 24, 2007

Summay #2

Summary #2

“ Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (Kepner, 1967)

According to introductory of the book, “Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (1967), Kepner indicated that banana business was connected with Central American governments or used the political situations in order to dominate the land and the trade.
In the book, Kepner stated that in 1870 Captain Lorenzo Dow Baker landed in Jamaica and saw that bananas were popular on local markets. According to the book, “Baker purchased 160 bunches for one shilling per stalk on Port Antonio docks; 11 days later he sold bunches for two dollars each in Jersey City,” (Kepner, 1967, P.44) making a huge profit. According to the book, “the legendary bounty of the banana trade” (kepner, 1967, P.45) was established. Kepner stated in his book that Bananas were shipped to Boston and New Orleans from Cuba and the Dominican Republic as well as Jamaica. He also showed some 16 million bunches were being imported into the US by 1898.

According to the book, in 1899 the United Fruit Company (UFCO) was formed in Boston and began to develop its own plantations in Central America. Based on the book, in Costa Rica, Minor Keith did a deal with the Government to build a railway to the Atlantic coast and planted bananas beside the track with great loss of life. Kepner reported Keith married the daughter of the President and became known as the “Uncrowned King of Central America”(Kepner, 1967, p.52).

According to the book, Samuel Zemurray – “Sam the Banana Man” (Kepner, 1967, p.56)- went to Honduras in 1905 with very favorable concessions for his banana business. Kepner noted Samuel pioneered new plantation techniques, and in 1915 began production from large new landholdings in the Motagua Valley, on the disputed Honduras and Guatemala border. Kepner included that, in 1933, as the largest shareholder, he became UFCO's Managing Director. Kepner noted the company owned plantations the size of Switzerland in Central America and the Caribbean.
Kepner indicated that the British Government became worried about US influence in its Caribbean colonies. Kepner found in 1913 the Fyffes company was created for the banana trade, but it faced financial difficulties and was taken over by United Fruit. According to Kepner’s book, a strategy of providing financial assistance to associations of banana growers was a success; so, by 1938 Jamaica produced 78 per cent of British imports.
According to the book, Kepner implied the business of banana as a war and tactics. Kepner showed the history of the banana business, trying to be objective; but the history of it implied its wrong which is willing to be criticized sharply.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

#1 (summary)

“Social Aspects of the Banana Industry" (Kepner, 1967)

According to introductory of the book, “Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (1967), Kepner indicated the purpose of the study in this book was triggered from being impressed by the UFC(United Fruit Company)’s size and the size of its profits. According to this book, within around three hundred years, it has acquired control over many activities in the Caribbean and accumulated much wealth for its stockholders. In the book, he described the UFC as “a highly organized industry, largely monopolistic, and operating lands.” (Kepner, 1967, P. 25) He stated that he would argue about important issue of the impact of the company’s attitudes and acts on “the national policies and legislation of the banana producing countries.” (Kepner, 1967, P.26)

According to the book, , “Social Aspects of the Banana Industry” (1967), Kepner demonstrated that there were two main factors contributing to the UFC’s present size and power in a generation. The one is geological condition in the Caribbean. The land had great fertility, “nourished by abundant rainfall, enriched and drained by natural rivers” (Kepner, 1967, P. 28) He claimed importantly that the other is the political and economic conditions in it. He found at that time Central America was so weak and lack of unity of it. He demonstrated that these weakness resulted in “the availability and cheapness” of the lands. (Kepner, 1967, P. 37) On the other hand, at that time, North America was rich and powerful enough to take it. North America had huge capital and the initiative on it.

Monday, September 10, 2007

나의 라임 오렌지 나무 : 줄거리

나의 라임오렌지나무 이 책은 제제라는 5살 꼬마가 주인공으로 나오는 소설이다. 제제네 집은 무척 가난해서 남들이 다 하는 잔치를 벌이는 성탄절에도 선물을 못 받을 정도이다. 5살이면 아무것도 모르는 철부지라고 흔히 생각하지만 제제는 자기 나름대로의 세상을 알고 있다. 사람들은 그를 가리켜 철부지, 말썽쟁이, 심지어는 악마라고까지 말하곤 했지만 그의 행동은 세상을 좀더 알고 싶은 마음에서 비롯된 것이었기에 제제는 신경쓰지 않았다. 어린 제제는 자신이 붙여준 밍기뉴라는 이름을 가진 어린 라임 오렌지나무 친구가 되어 대화를 나눈다. 그러던 어느날 거리에서 노래부르는 사람을 만나 노래를 배우기도 하고, 포르투칼 사람인 동네 아저씨 마누엘 발라다리스를 만나 우정을 키우고 사랑을 배우게 되는데 나중에 제제는 그를 자신의 애칭인 뽀르뚜까라 부르게 된다. 한번은 이런 일이 있었다. 어느날 제제는 거리에서 노래부르는 사람에게 배운 나는 벌거벗은 여자가 좋아 라는 유행가를 흥얼거리게 되는데 이걸 들은 제제의 아버지는 제제를 때리며 야단을 치게 되고, 노래를 불러 아버지를 즐겁게 해주려던 제제의 순진한 마음 아버지로 인해 여지없이 무너지고 만다. 제제에게 그 노래는 사람들에게 즐거움을 주는 거였지만 아버지는 어른의 생각으로 제제를 보았던 것이었다. 어린 아이의 세계를 이해하지 못했던 아버지에게 죽도록 매를 맞고 깊은 상처받은 제제는 뽀르뚜까의 사랑으로 위로를 받게 된다. 뽀르뚜까의 사랑으로 즐겁게 생활하던 제제는 사람이 는데 말로 다 할 수 없는 크나큰 슬픔이 있다는걸 알게 된다. 그가 자기 가족보다 더 사랑한다고 여겼던 뽀르뚜까가 열차 사고 죽은 것이다. 이 충격으로 제제는 오랫동안 절망을 느끼며 앓게 되는데 앓고 난 뒤 제제는 어린 꼬마에서 소년으로 자라는 자신을 느끼게 된다. 그리고 이야기를 나누던 라임오렌지나무 밍기뉴도 그 동안 자라나 어른나무가 되었다. 그리고 제제는 바로 자기의 어린 시절과 작별하듯 라임오렌지나무와 작별을 하게 되었다. 이렇게 지은이는 감수성이 예민한 다섯 살의 소년 제제를 통해 한 인생을 사는데 필요한 감정 등을 이야기하였다. 제제는 인생에서 슬픔이란 것과 인생의 공통점 발견함으로서 어린생각의 세계를 떠나는 그 순간에 느끼게 되는 것이라고 말하고, 또 인생의 아름다움이란 꽃과 같은 화려한 것이 아니라 냇가에 둥둥 떠다니는 낙엽과 같이 평화로운 것이라고 말하면서 사랑이 없는 인생은 잼이 빠진 식빵 같은 것이라 정의내린다.
My Sweet Orange Tree
Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos

* My favorite book, March 22, 2005
By R. Z. Basak "R. Zeynep Basak" (New York, NY)

I loved this book. It is my favorite book of all times. I read it in Turkish when I was 16 and I was deeply touched by the story and the emotional prose. I have been recommending it to people of all ages who would enjoy reading emotional accounts from a sensitive point of view. The book is widely available in Turkey. I am sad to see that it has been out of stock for so long in the US.

my sweet-orange tree

I chosed 'my sweet-orange tree' as my fiction book for homework in my ESL class.
'My sweet-orange tree' is one of my favoriest novel.
when a middle school student, I read it several times. I loved to read it.
I'm really happy to read it again in English.